
A Brief Overview of the Vision for our Ministries

This vision is in agreement with the divine commission of our Lord Jesus Christ himself as found in Matthew 28. The accomplishment of this International vision is being achieved through strategic planning and practical ministry systems and methods. The structure of our departments is centered on training and evangelism, resource networking, Internet access, direct mail, radio and television. All leaders are provided with advanced leadership training and developmental programs designed to enhance their abilities and knowledge.

Building & Grounds

The Buildings & Grounds Department serves the church by providing custodial services for the total facility including grounds and the exterior areas of the church buildings.

Children’s Education Department

The children’s department ranges from ages 0-11, which also includes our Children’s Church and Children’s Choir, and focuses on curriculum that assists in the education, spiritual growth and development of our youth.

Community Outreach/Education

The Education Department facilitates non-ecclesiastical training and classes.  This department also works to reach out to the community by way of general tutoring sessions and other learning opportunities.


The Evangelism Department initiates and facilitates efforts of outreach and evangelism to people in the community, individually as well as in conjunction with other departments, to bring awareness to the any evangelism-based Hebron sponsored events.

Food Service

The Food Service department provides appropriate meal planning for church programs and coordinates with other departments to provide snacks and meals for events within the church.


You will be greeted with a delightful smile as the Hospitality Department endeavors to make visitors and partners alike always feel welcome and at home at Hebron Cornerstone Church International.  This department also visits those partners in the hospital and sends care items to families in bereavement.

Intercessory Prayer Ministry

IPM supports the vision God has given to our Pastor through prayer and spiritual warfare.  This ministry also intercedes on behalf of the Pastor and family, ministerial staff, and partners of Hebron Cornerstone Church International and K.L. Warren Ministries and leads our scheduled prayer times at the church.  IPM executes our prayer authority by standing on Isaiah 72 in its entirety.

Marketing & Public Relations Department

The Marketing & Public Relations Department is responsible for bridging the gap between the church partners, the leaders of the church and the community by effectively creating marketing pieces for internal and external use, promoting and communicating department events, through all available mediums as well as all pertinent information concerning Hebron Cornerstone Church International, K.L. Warren Ministries and the Hampton Roads Community.  Once this is accomplished

Media Department

The Media Department records all sermons and services held at Hebron Cornerstone Church International and are responsible for its duplication and dissemination through all social media, which includes K.L. Warren Ministries, HCCI Bookstore and online to the HCCI and K.L. Warren Ministries website.​

Men’s Department

The Men’s Department develops and coordinates effective, comprehensive ministry to meet the needs of men in the church.  All men that join HCCI are automatically a part of this department.

Mother’s Board

The Mother’s Board is a group of saintly, sober, and seasoned mothers of the church who provide guidance, encouragement and direction to the women of the church by serving as mentors and support of the Intercessory Prayer Ministry through prayer.

Music Department

The music department is a well-rounded department, which consists of several auxiliaries.  The goal is to support what God has given Pastor Warren for this body of believers by developing and training volunteers who are capable of ushering the presence of the Lord through song.

Partner Services

The Partner Services Department is the information center of Hebron Cornerstone Church International.  Through the Partner Service Help Desk, the department maintains accurate partner records, provides support for Hebron Cornerstone Church International departments and direction to new partners.

Praise Dance/Drama Ministry

The Praise Dance/Drama Ministry provides anointed praise and worship through dance performance to a variety of music genres during church services and dramatic presentations for ministry and church wide events.

Security Department

The Security Department concentrates on the protection of the Hebron Cornerstone Church International ministry and those in attendance.  The department is also instrumental in resolving disturbances within the building as well as on the grounds outside of the church property and the safety of Pastor Warren and the first family.

Singles Department

This ministry coordinates fun events that are wholesome and relevant, educational opportunities and times for spiritual development through practical teaching on biblical principles, to provide venues for Christian Single partners to enjoy and embrace being single.


This department is designed to help direct and maintain crowd control before, during and after services, monitor restrooms and foyers and distribute church materials, tithe and offering envelopes.

Women’s Department

The Women’s Department, Women of Royal Design, develops and coordinates opportunities for the fellowship and ministry to the women within the church.  This group seeks to be a cohesive unit within Hebron Cornerstone Church International that regularly comes together to pray and fellowship.  Each woman that joins Hebron Cornerstone Church International automatically becomes a woman of royal design.

Youth Department

The Youth Department, better known as Youth domination, is designed to reach ages 12 to 25 at Hebron Cornerstone Church International, the Hampton Roads community and abroad. We are instructing